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Meeting of the Closure and Facilities Advisory
(7-11) Committee


Sept. 25, 2024 7-11 Committee Meeting
Sept. 25, 2024
5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
District Office – Governing Board Room
665 Walnut Avenue
Vallejo, CA 94592

Pursuant to Education Code Section 17387 et. seq., the Vallejo City Unified School District ("District") has authorized the establishment of the District's Facilities Advisory (7-11) Committee ("Committee"). The Committee will meet to convene public meetings to solicit input, comments, and questions on the disposition and proposed use of certain real property owned by the District.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call (Present or Absent) and Initial Introductions
    1. Ralph A. Gross
    2. Hazel A. Wilson
    3. Tony Vargas
    4. Evangeline Espiritu
    5. Ruby Acevedo
    6. Kevin Steele
    7. Melissa Tigbao
    8. Joe Hatchett
    9. Ydelita Valera Gonzales
    10. Katrina Rodgers
  3. Welcome – Superintendent Ruben Aurelio
  4. Public Comments
    Community members are encouraged to attend the public 7-11 Committee meetings. Any citizen may address the Committee concerning any item that has been described in this agenda or any items under the purview of the Committee. However, Committee members will not enter into discussion nor take action on any item not previously published on the agenda. Citizens are asked to submit a comment card in order to speak.
  5. Committee Orientation [Sarah Polito]
    1. The 7-11 Committee’s role and Education Code requirements.
    2. Brown Act, conflicts of interest, Roberts Rules of Order and Public Records Act applicability to the proceedings, description of norms and protocols for Committee conduct.
    3. Review the Committee’s authorizing resolution and general process expectations.
  6. Introduction to the Properties [Sarah Polito/Mitchell Romao]
    1. Information regarding: Stefan Manor Elementary School
      • 815 Cedar St., Vallejo, CA 94591
      • APN 0071070260
    2. Information regarding: Vallejo Charter School
      • 2855 Tennessee St., Vallejo, CA 94591
      • APN 0069181220
    3. Information regarding: Loma Vista Environmental Science Academy
      • 146 Rainier Ave., Vallejo, CA
      • APN 0068011060
    4. Information regarding: Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy
      • 400 Rickover St., Vallejo, CA 94592
      • APN 0066030010
  7. Presentation and Review of Property Data and District Goals [Mitchell Romao]
    1. District Data
      • Student enrollment and facility capacity comparison.
      • Facilities Master Plan/District plans for facilities improvements and available funds.
      • Costs associated with surplus facility operation.
    2. District Goals
      • Introduction of staff-analyzed options for potential consolidation, closure, and future use or transition of designated properties.
      • Explanation of how these options are justified by program quality, financial, and equity principles.
  8. Discussion and Review of Potential Recommendations and Data Requests
    1. Should the Properties continue to be used for their current purpose? What subsequent use should the Properties have?
    2. Discuss Committee requests for additional data and/or information to be provided at the next meeting.
  9. Action Items
    1. Election/Appointment of Committee Chairperson – ACTION
    2. Election/Appointment of Individual or Subcommittee to Assist with drafting Committee report – ACTION
  10. Meeting Schedule
    1. Meeting Two: October 9, 2024
    2. Meeting Three: October 23, 2024
    3. Meeting Four: November 4, 2024
    4. Presentation of Committee Report: Regular Board meeting on November 20, 2024
  11. Adjournment

Agendas of public meetings and any other writings distributed to all or a majority of the members of the Committee in connection with a matter subject to discussion or consideration at an open meeting of the Committee are public records. If such writing is distributed less than 72 hours prior to a public meeting, the writing will be made available for public inspection at the District Office located at 665 Walnut Avenue, Vallejo, CA 94592 at the time the writing is distributed to all or a majority of the members of the Committee.

Reasonable Accommodation

In order to help ensure participation in the meeting of disabled individuals, appropriate disability-related accommodations or modifications shall be provided by the District, upon request, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Persons with a disability who require a disability-related accommodation or modification, including auxiliary aids and services in order to participate in a Committee meeting, shall contact the District superintendent or designee in writing by noon the day before the scheduled meeting. Such notification shall provide personnel to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to the meeting.

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All 7-11 Committee Meetings

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