Employee Benefits
Find resources related to your employee benefits. There is a choice of three medical providers, two dental plan options, vision coverage, employee assistance program, and district-paid employee basic life insurance.
Phone: 707-556-8921 ext. 50016
Email: benefits@vcusd.org
Benefit Resources and Employee Contribution
Employee contribution is required for eligible employees in paid status, in monthly-salaried positions of half-time or more, or 20 hours per week or more. The district pays an Employer Contribution towards medical, dental, and vision plans selected for these employees and their eligible dependents. The district also pays the cost of basic life insurance for eligible employees. The amount that an employee may be required to pay for coverage may change annually. These amounts are announced during the Open Enrollment period held in September. Any required employee contribution is made through automatic payroll deduction on a ten, eleven, and twelve-month basis.
- Benefit Rates
- Benefit Summaries
- COBRA Benefit Rates
- Health Care Market Place Coverage
- Retiree Benefit Rates
- Standard Life Insurance Policy Forms
- Tax Shelter Annuity
Benefit Rates
Benefit Summaries
COBRA Benefit Rates
Health Care Market Place Coverage
Retiree Benefit Rates
Standard Life Insurance Policy Forms
Tax Shelter Annuity
Eligibility and Effective Date of Coverage
The effective date of coverage is the first day of the month following the date your Benefits Specialist receives the Health Benefits Plan Enrollment form.
Retiree and COBRA Benefit Invoicing and Payments
The Benefits Department is currently in the process of discontinuing the existing retiree and COBRA payment system (VDR and VCUSD) and implementing a new one. More details about the new payment processing system will be available soon. In the meantime, you can take advantage of one of the following options: