Educational Services
Educational Services ensures that students are equipped with the academic and life skills needed to become productive citizens. We offer a wide range of resources and programs, including equitable services for English learners, elementary and secondary education support, career readiness through the EmployAbility program, mental health services, and specialized programs like the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Additionally, we provide professional learning for educators, special education services, and advanced technological support to ensure all students can reach their fullest potential.
Heather Topacio
Assistant Superintendent,
Educational Services
Phone: 707-556-8921 x50003
Search Educational Services
View attendance policies and helpful information to encourage good attendance. Access tools to help ensure student success, reduce absenteeism, and foster consistent school participation.
Categorical and English Learners
This office provides equitable services so that all students have the opportunity to excel and successfully reach their goals.
Elementary Education Services
Elementary Education Services supports educators and systems to increase student achievement in our district.
EmployAbility Program
EmployAbility is a program that focuses on areas of post-secondary goals for education and training, employment, and college and career readiness.
Local Control and Accountability Plan
The LCAP describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities.
Lottery Schools
Explore VCUSD's four lottery schools which provide specialized learning environments in languages, environmental science, health and fitness, and expeditionary learning.
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
Under federal law, the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act ensures educational rights and protection for children and youth experiencing homelessness.
Mental Health Support Services
VCUSD strives to ensure students have access to social-emotional resources to tend to their basic needs and support their academic success.
Order Transcripts
Order student records, including transcripts and special education files.
Positive Behavior, Interventions, and Supports
Positive Behavior, Interventions, and Supports (PBIS) is a tiered implementation framework designed to create positive, predictable, equitable, and safe learning environments where everyone thrives.
Puberty Education and Sexual Health
Our district is currently using Positive Prevention Plus to teach Puberty Ed and Sexual Health Lessons. Content varies by grade.
Secondary Education Services
Secondary Education Services support student achievement through the second half of their educational journey.
Special Education
Find out more information about the special education program at VCUSD.
Staff Report on Mare Island Technology Academy Charter Renewal Petition
Read the staff report on Mare Island Technology Academy Charter Renewal Petition.
Student Support Services
Student Support Services implements best practices for student support and intervention, programmatic quality and excellence.
Teacher Induction Program
The VCUSD Teacher Induction is a State-approved induction program that offers two-year job-embedded development experience to first and second-year teachers.
Technology and Information Services
Technology and Information Services supports software applications, student information systems, network security, and more.