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Child Development

Vallejo City Unified School District offers child development programs, including the Full-Day State Preschool Program (CSPP), Infant/Toddler and School-Age Center Care (CCTR), and the Pregnant and Teen Parent Program (formerly Cal-SAFE), providing comprehensive support to give every child the best start possible.

Female student smiling and giving the peace sign with a table of kids behind her.

Eligibility Application

The first step to receiving services in our subsidized programs is completing an eligibility application for the waiting list. We ask that you list all children in the household, whether or not they need services, because family size and monthly gross income will determine your ranking on the waitlist. This list is used when a slot opens in one of our subsidized programs.

This application does not register or enroll your child(ren) in our program. It is only an application to be placed on the waitlist.

Child Development Programs

CSPP and CCTR programs are contracted to provide instructional programs through the California State Department of Education, Early Education Division Guidelines, and the State Department of Social Services, Child Care and Development Division. The programs are licensed by the Community Care Licensing Department of Social Services.

Grey Divider Line

Child Development Center Locations

Grey Divider Line

Income Thresholds for VCUSD Child Development Centers


Family Size

Income ceiling for infant, toddler and school-age children programs

Income ceiling for full-day and half-day preschool programs

1-2 $6,128 $7,209
3 $6,931 $8,154
4 $8,025 $9,441
5 $9,309 $10,952
6 $10,593 $12,462
7 $10,834 $12,745
8 $11,074 $13,029
9 $11,315 $13,312
10 $11,556 $13,595
Grey Divider Line

Frequently Asked Questions