Expanded Learning Opportunities
Vallejo City Unified School District's Expanded Learning Programs provide young children in grades TK-8 with enrichment clubs, physical activity, academic support, and nutritious meals.
Catherine "Katie" Cobb-Von Husen
District Coordinator
Phone: 707-556-8921 ext. 50128
Email: cvonhusen@vcusd.org
After-school programs operate from the end of the school day until 6 p.m. each day school is in session. Our spring break, summer, and non-student day programs operate for nine hours each day. We notify families of these opportunities through ParentSquare and flyers.
Programs are free for families and are funded by the After School Education and Safety grant and the Expanded Learning Opportunity funding from the California Department of Education. Please contact the site coordinator at your child’s school for more information and/or questions.
Start Your Application Now!Find Your SchoolVCUSD Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan