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Professional Learning

The Professional Learning Department supports a vibrant culture of teaching and learning. The department offers a range of resources including the Teacher Induction Program, Teacher Residency Program, and subject-specific professional development, aimed at enhancing instructional effectiveness and supporting educators at various stages of their careers.

View All Available Professional Learning Sessions

Two women sitting at a table with laptops, smile at the camera

Upcoming Sessions

With a focus on equity, social justice, and STEAM education, VCUSD's Professional Learning Department strives to empower all teachers and staff to support our students throughout their educational journey

Male teacher leans over the desk of a female student to help her with her laptop.

Teacher Induction Program

The VCUSD Teacher Induction is a state-approved induction program that offers first—and second-year teachers a two-year, job-embedded development experience. Participants learn to expertly tailor their teaching to maximize student learning opportunities while clearing their Preliminary California Teaching Credential.

Learn More About Our Teacher Induction Program

A teacher standing at the front of the classroom speaking to her students

Teacher Residency Program

Envision yourself as a highly effective educator, shaped by a unique and supportive teacher-training program that strongly emphasizes social justice and equity. Our focus on pairing educational theory with practical experience sets us apart.

Explore Our Teacher Residency Program