Career Academies and Pathways
There are several different CTE pathways (Career and Technical Education) available to students across the VCUSD High Schools. In the past, each High School was broken up into 4 or 5 vertical academies which essentially required students to stay within one pathway. Now students can access a variety of CTE courses, from more than one pathway, as long as they complete at least 2 years from one of the pathways. This flexibility allows students to take classes in various industry sectors.
A Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway are course programs that provide students with the academic, technical, and real world knowledge, skills and experience they need to be prepared for a variety of career options. Generally, CTE pathways have a sequence of two or more CTE courses within a student’s area of career interest.
Browse Academy and CTE Pathway Courses
Course Progressions
Course Progression
- Biomedical Science Pathway
- Biotechnology Pathway
- Engineering Academy
- Hospitality Pathway
- Law Academy
- Multimedia Pathway
Biomedical Science Pathway
In the Biomedical Academy, students explore the concepts of human medicine and are introduced to topics such as physiology, genetics, microbiology and public health. Through activities, like dissecting a heart, students examine the processes, structures and interactions of the human body – often playing the role of biomedical professionals. They also explore the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, working collaboratively to investigate and design innovative solutions to the health challenges of the 21st century such as fighting cancer with nanotechnology.
Biomedical Pathway Suggested Course Sequence
English 9P | English 10P | English 11P | English 12P |
Algebra 1P | Geometry P | Algebra 2P |
Elective/Pre-calculus |
Biology 1P | Chemistry P | Elective/Physics |
Government/ Economics |
PE 9 | World History | US History |
Medical Interventions |
Elective | Principles of Biomedical Science | Human Body Systems | Elective |
World Language | World Language | PE/Elective | Elective |
- Biomedical
- CTE Pathways
Biotechnology Pathway
California has always been considered the birthplace of biotechnology. Currently, it is not only considered as the generative force in the industry but is also home to three out of the four largest biotechnology companies in the nation and 40-55% of the nation’s total biotechnology presence. Vallejo High School’s Biotechnology Academy is geared toward providing students with laboratory and technical skills in biotechnology that will allow them to either go directly to the biotechnology workforce or pursue higher education at a community college and/or university with a biotechnology emphasis.
Biotechnology Academy Suggested Course Sequence
Grade 9 | Grade 10 | Grade 11 | Grade 12 |
English 9P | English 10P | English 11P | English 12P |
Algebra 1P | Geometry P | Algebra 2P |
Elective/Pre-Calculus |
Biology 1P | Biotechnology 1 | Biotechnology 2 |
Chemistry for Biotechnology |
Elective | World History | US History |
Government/ Economics |
PE 9 | PE 10 | Elective |
Elective/Medical Science |
World Language | World Language | Elective / World Language | Elective |
- Biotechnology
- CTE Pathways
Engineering Academy
Take a look around you. Virtually everything within arm’s reach — your cell phone, TV, iPod, car, computer (big or small), the building you’re in, the clothes you wear – was designed, developed or created using engineering. It’s everywhere. Engineers from all disciplines – electrical, civil, industrial, manufacturing, computer and more – are responsible for conceiving and producing just about every product imaginable. The Engineering Academy takes all of your classroom knowledge and teaches you how to use it to engineer real products and processes and present them to the world at large. It isn’t a program; it is a multi-year “small learning community” designed to be fun, exciting, challenging and rewarding.
Engineering Academy Suggested Course Sequence
Grade 9 | Grade 10 | Grade 11 | Grade 12 |
English 9P | English 10P | English 11P | English 12P |
Algebra 1P | Geometry P | Algebra 2P |
Government/Economics |
Biology 1P | Chemistry P | US History |
Elective/Physics |
Elective | World History | PE Recreation | Elective |
PE 9 | Introduction to Design | Principles of Engineering |
Engineering Design & Development or Civil Engineering Architecture |
World Language | World Language | Elective/World Language | Elective |
- CTE Pathways
- Engineering
Hospitality Pathway
The Hospitality Academy prepares students for post-secondary education and careers through a theme- based curriculum approach. The Academy provides students with the requisite knowledge and skills for a successful career through a curriculum that provides an in-depth look at all aspects of the hospitality, tourism and recreation business. Articulation with Solano Community College allows students to earn college credits while enrolled in the Academy. The Academy provides hands-on learning opportunities, field trips, internships/work experience, scholarships, and job skills for any career.
Hospitality Pathway Suggested Course Sequence
English 9P | English 10P | English 11P | English 12P |
Algebra 1P | Geometry P | Algebra 2P |
Government/Economics |
Biology 1P | Chemistry P | US History |
Elective/PE Recreation |
Elective | World History | Elective/PE Recreation | Elective |
PE 9 | Principles of Hospitality and Tourism | Delivering Great Customer Service (Sem) + Event Planning (Sem) |
Hospitality Marketing (Sem)+ Entrepreneurship (Sem) |
World Language | World Language | Elective | Elective |
- CTE Pathways
- Hospitality
Law Academy
The mission of the Law Academy at Jesse Bethel High School is to introduce and prepare students for professional career exploration in the diverse fields of law. Students will acquire an exploratory knowledge of law, courts, criminal law, civil law, law enforcement, advocacy and forensic science through a variety of projects, extended classroom experiences, internships and guest speakers. The fundamentals and principles learned by academy students will prepare Law Academy graduates for career and college exploration in the legal professions.
Law Academy Suggested Course Sequence
English 9P | English 10P | English 11P | English 12P |
Algebra 1P | Geometry P | Algebra 2P |
Government/Economics |
Biology 1P | Chemistry P | US History | Elective |
PE 9 | World History | PE Recreation | Elective |
Elective | Introduction to Law and Speech Communication | Investigating Law and Justice | Practical Law |
World Language | World Language | Elective/World Language | Elective |
- CTE Pathways
- Law
Multimedia Pathway
Recognizing the engaging and transformative power of the Arts within our Learning Environment and the long standing creative legacy of noted contributions that Vallejo’s diverse community has made to this multifaceted and ever expanding field, we have launched our Visual and Performing Arts Academy. Students will have the opportunity to connect and enrich that tradition by experiencing, exploring, creating and designing projects that will showcase their talents, hopes and dreams in the process.
Multimedia Pathway Suggested Course Sequence
English 9P | English 10P | English 11P | English 12P |
Algebra 1P | Geometry P | Algebra 2P |
Government/Economics |
Biology 1P | Chemistry P | US History | Elective |
PE 9 | World History | PE Recreation | Elective |
Visual and Performing Arts/ Elective | Multimedia 1 | Multimedia 2 |
Multimedia Production and Design 2 |
World Language | World Language | Elective/World Language | Elective |
- CTE Pathways
- Multimedia
Academies vs Pathways
Academies vs. Pathways
The terms academy and pathway can be used synonymously, however, in regards to Career Technical Education (CTE), the terms describe different types of high school career programs. Academy students are together in a cohort group for a sequence of special-focus classes and also for at least one core subject class. (Core subject classes include English, Math, History, or Science.) Pathway students take a sequence of special-focus classes together, but are scheduled for their other classes independently. VCUSD academies received additional funding from the California Partnership Academy (CPA) grant from the California Department of Education. Several high school career programs have the title ‘academy’ because of formerly being CPA-funded, but no longer receive the grant award, but have maintained the term academy in their program name for marketing purposes.