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Measure S

We want to express our gratitude to the community for supporting the much-needed upgrades to the facilities of Vallejo City Unified School District on behalf of the students.

Measure S Bond ProjectsMeasure S Oversight Committee

Corbus Field

Measure S Resources

In November 2018, the City of Vallejo voters passed Measure S, a $194 million bond for the Vallejo City Unified School District to fund the acquisition, construction, renovations, furnishing, and equipping of school facilities. This bond was based on the Measure S Implementation Plan. Bond project work began in the summer of 2020. Per the approved schedule by the Board of Education in September 2019, the first $212,000 in funds included work at Dan Mini and Federal Terrace Elementary schools and Vallejo High School.

Meeting Dates

Citizens' Oversight Committee
Date: TBD

Grey Divider Line

Measure S Bond Projects